It's been such a busy couple of weeks, getting used to a new job and everything, luckily I have been able to do much more stitching in the evenings and now that I'm working on average, 4 days a week, I get a lot more time during the day too!
As you can see there hasn't been much progress with the Halloween Fairy, half of the orange on her skirt and some of the beads (which may have to come out again if they get in the way of the hoop... opps!!)

Went to my local fabric shop todayand bought some lovely autumn fabrics & ribbons to use on a couple of finishes I have lined up. I love autumn, the colours associated with this season are so warm and rich, lovely :)
People who have been following my blog for a while will probably know that as well as being an avid stitcher, I am also a bookworm. Right now I am reading Sense and Sensibility, though it pains me to admit it but I am struggling to get into this book. I think it's the language that I'm struggling with more than anything so I'm sure it will get easier the more I read. I wanted to read something of Jane Austin because I really love the 'fancy a Jane day?' chart by the sampler girl but I feel like I can't stitch it without having ever read anything by Jane Austin. I also have Northanger Abbey and Emma to read and I'm also looking out for Pride & Predudice. So wh knows I may become another Austin fan!
Think thats all for this week, thank you for reading and hopefully I'll get better at updating!!
I love the way halloween fairy is coming along, it makes me excited to start mine one day.
I love your ribbon and fabric collection. Glad to hear you are getting in some stitching time.
i have started the halloween short stack but havent done as much as you. its looking good so i must get mine out to stitch in october. love the halloween fairy. x
Your stitching looks great!
I like Jane Austen, but I don't really get the crazed adoration, and I'm sorry but Colin Firth does nothing for me.
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