Elisa over at http://paperfaerie71.blogspot.com/2010/11/blogoversary-giveaway.html is having a couple of giveaways, one for her blogoversary & she's hosting a PIF. Go check them out!!!
Also please feel free to sign up for my PIF below!
Sunday, 28 November 2010
Saturday, 27 November 2010
Pay It Forward

Well seeing as I was lucky enought to be one of Michelle's PIF recipients the rules state I must now host my own.
Two people chosen, from those who wish to enter, will recieve a stitched item from me within the next 12 months. Those two people must then pay it forward and host their own PIF.
If you wish to enter please comment on this post and this post only, if there are more than two replies I will draw names out of a hat.
I will leave this open to replies until monday.
xX Happy Stitching Xx
Friday, 26 November 2010
(mini) success....
I have been stitching my mum's present today because this is the only day of the week that I am home while she's at work so I can stitch without worring that she will see it.
Has been quite a successful day in that I have finished all the actual cross stitching however now I have the task of tackling the backstitch (I hate the backstitch on Tatty Teddy designs!) I will probably follow the backstitch for everything except his fur which I will invariably make up as I go along!! =)
However that will have to wait until either another day or she is asleep as now have to go and pick her up from work.
Has been quite a successful day in that I have finished all the actual cross stitching however now I have the task of tackling the backstitch (I hate the backstitch on Tatty Teddy designs!) I will probably follow the backstitch for everything except his fur which I will invariably make up as I go along!! =)
However that will have to wait until either another day or she is asleep as now have to go and pick her up from work.
The end is in sight.
seeing as I have the weekend off and my mum will be working all day today I plan to spend the day finishing the stitching on her present. After this i will only have one and a half ornaments left to stitch before all my christmas stitching is done Then I only have to finish Halloween Fairy (head, backstitch and beading left) and Halloween Short Stack to have reached my goal of emptying my project bag by 2011!!!
For once I may actually reach my target early!! (And get a head start on next years stitching!)
Thursday, 25 November 2010
Fall into Autumn
This is my latest finish, Fall into Autumn, a freebie chart from Rainbow Gallery (you do have to scroll down a long way to get to this design)
Stitched on 14ct hand-dyed cream marble aida from sew-it-all.com using a variety of different thread companies including Six Strand Sweets, Weeks Dye Works, Gentle Arts, Ozark Sampler and an Anchor Varigated.
This is the first chart I have ever stitched charting all the colours myself and I am so pleased with the result. To me it just screams 'Autumn'. In a way I am sad that Autumn is pretty much over, although looking at many of the trees near my house you couldn't tell, the leaves may all be brown but they are stubbornly refusing to fall from the trees!!
I actually finished this design last week but was waiting on a button from sew and so to complete it, which didn't suit when it showed up. So now I'm just waiting for a trip to hobbycraft at the weekend to pick up a leaf button pack to sew one on just under the word fall, next to 'into' before finishing it up as a cushion using some fabric from my stash.
Stitched on 14ct hand-dyed cream marble aida from sew-it-all.com using a variety of different thread companies including Six Strand Sweets, Weeks Dye Works, Gentle Arts, Ozark Sampler and an Anchor Varigated.
This is the first chart I have ever stitched charting all the colours myself and I am so pleased with the result. To me it just screams 'Autumn'. In a way I am sad that Autumn is pretty much over, although looking at many of the trees near my house you couldn't tell, the leaves may all be brown but they are stubbornly refusing to fall from the trees!!
I actually finished this design last week but was waiting on a button from sew and so to complete it, which didn't suit when it showed up. So now I'm just waiting for a trip to hobbycraft at the weekend to pick up a leaf button pack to sew one on just under the word fall, next to 'into' before finishing it up as a cushion using some fabric from my stash.
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
Disaster Averted =D
I was happily stitching away on I'm Creative when I realised that parts of the design weren't matching up, now as I was using DMC's Magic Guide aida I didn't see how this could have happened. That is until I looked at the chart again closely.
The photocopy I was working from hadn't printed one line on the grid clear enough so what I thought was a 10x10 sqaure on the chart was in fact a 12x10 square meaning that I had stitched the entire border and lower part of the design two stitches higher than it should have been. =(
I was so upset yesterday as it was too big a job to frog it all out so into the bin it went. I was already worried about time restrains as the design was proving to be more complex than I had antisipated so I didn't want to start it all over again either...suddenly I found myself with a dilemma, Christmas is only 33 days away and I have nothing to stitch for my mum!!
Then I remember the Tatty Teddy design I have in my project bag. It was supposed to be for my friend but she changed her mind about it after I had started stitching. My mum loves Tatty Teddy and collects the ceramic versions so I have decided to finish stitching it and give it to her for Christmas which also puts me back on schedule.
Disaster Averted!!
The photocopy I was working from hadn't printed one line on the grid clear enough so what I thought was a 10x10 sqaure on the chart was in fact a 12x10 square meaning that I had stitched the entire border and lower part of the design two stitches higher than it should have been. =(
I was so upset yesterday as it was too big a job to frog it all out so into the bin it went. I was already worried about time restrains as the design was proving to be more complex than I had antisipated so I didn't want to start it all over again either...suddenly I found myself with a dilemma, Christmas is only 33 days away and I have nothing to stitch for my mum!!
Then I remember the Tatty Teddy design I have in my project bag. It was supposed to be for my friend but she changed her mind about it after I had started stitching. My mum loves Tatty Teddy and collects the ceramic versions so I have decided to finish stitching it and give it to her for Christmas which also puts me back on schedule.
Disaster Averted!!
The case of the mysterious parcel....
Today I received a mysterious package in the post....
There was a note sellotaped to the top....
The card inside informed me I could open the package but not the contents, which were also wrapped....
Today I received my Secret Santa present from the cross-stitching forum santa exchange =D
no idea who my santa is as there are no names anywhere on this parcel!! So will have to wait until the big reveal on the forums to find out who they are!!!
Monday, 22 November 2010
It's been a good week...
for me, been off work last week; using up the last of my holiday days before the new year (not allowed time off in December-boo!!) and I have spent it stitching.
Last Monday I wrote out a timeline for all the projects on my stitching list page, aiming to complete between 2 and 3 a week thus giving me a week before christmas to do the framing, finishing etc. Seems to be working well as I am currently two finishes ahead of my timeline meaning this week all I have to complete to stay on track is my mum's christmas present.
Probably a good thing as although I am ahead and this is my last christmas present to stitch it is also the largest design left to do and I also went back to work today. Made a fairly good start on it tonight, I've completed almost half of the borde and some of the main design. Hoping to be past the halfway point by the end of tuesday night as I have Wednesday off and should hopefully be able to stitch all day even if it does mean shutting myself up in my room so that Mum doesn't see what I'm stitching. It was bad enough that she knew what her birthday present was so I'm trying very hard o make sure this desin stays a secret!! She does however know she's getting something stitched, she just doesn't know what!! ;-)
Last Monday I wrote out a timeline for all the projects on my stitching list page, aiming to complete between 2 and 3 a week thus giving me a week before christmas to do the framing, finishing etc. Seems to be working well as I am currently two finishes ahead of my timeline meaning this week all I have to complete to stay on track is my mum's christmas present.
Probably a good thing as although I am ahead and this is my last christmas present to stitch it is also the largest design left to do and I also went back to work today. Made a fairly good start on it tonight, I've completed almost half of the borde and some of the main design. Hoping to be past the halfway point by the end of tuesday night as I have Wednesday off and should hopefully be able to stitch all day even if it does mean shutting myself up in my room so that Mum doesn't see what I'm stitching. It was bad enough that she knew what her birthday present was so I'm trying very hard o make sure this desin stays a secret!! She does however know she's getting something stitched, she just doesn't know what!! ;-)
Right long day ahead tomorrow so best be getting some sleep I think!!
Have a lovely week, will try and post updates but I make no promises!!!
Happy Stitching
x Fiona x
Sunday, 21 November 2010
Saturday, 20 November 2010
A finish and a question....
Have literally just finished stitching and making up a birthday card for my friend Sam's 24th birthday, will post photos of it tomorrow as the camera batteries are charging up at the minute.
Next project is Fall Into Autumn
Today I bought some threads for my first project of 2011. I plan to stitch Nora Corbett's 'Tigerlily' I've had the chart and bead pack since it came out and now feel confident enough to stitch it. Did notice however that the thread list calls for DMC 971 and I couldn't find this colour in my local shop, the DMC carosel stand went straight from 970 to 972. Does anyone know if this colour exists or is it a printing error on the chart?
*edit to say never mind, DMC 971 is now DMC 740, went and checked out sewandso.co.uk!*
Poundland opened yesterday in my hometown so I also checked it out today, picked up a 2ft christmas tree (it looks smaller to me) and some lights to display my stitched orny's on and also picked up a picture frame for one of my stitched christmas presents. I loved the style of the frame but it's too dark a stain so I'm going to sand it lightly and repaint it to suit the design. In fact the frame is so nice and just the right size for so many of Lizzie Kate's snippets/quick-it range I may have to go back and pick up a few more!!
Next project is Fall Into Autumn
Today I bought some threads for my first project of 2011. I plan to stitch Nora Corbett's 'Tigerlily' I've had the chart and bead pack since it came out and now feel confident enough to stitch it. Did notice however that the thread list calls for DMC 971 and I couldn't find this colour in my local shop, the DMC carosel stand went straight from 970 to 972. Does anyone know if this colour exists or is it a printing error on the chart?
*edit to say never mind, DMC 971 is now DMC 740, went and checked out sewandso.co.uk!*
Poundland opened yesterday in my hometown so I also checked it out today, picked up a 2ft christmas tree (it looks smaller to me) and some lights to display my stitched orny's on and also picked up a picture frame for one of my stitched christmas presents. I loved the style of the frame but it's too dark a stain so I'm going to sand it lightly and repaint it to suit the design. In fact the frame is so nice and just the right size for so many of Lizzie Kate's snippets/quick-it range I may have to go back and pick up a few more!!
Thursday, 18 November 2010
Another finish...
and this time it's one I can show!! :)
After finishing Lizzie Kate's 'Tea Lover' (from the tea crazy chartpack), I decided to take a break from stitching Christmas presents and work on one of the projects I started earlier this year. I chose the Bentley Bear kit that came free with CSC 138. I There wasn't a lot left to do so I finished the main stitching yesterday and the backstitch this morning. I had already bought the frame and the mount came with the kit so it was very easy to frame up too.
I have to say that taking the time out to kit up each present before doing any stitching has definitely made my Christmas stitching so much easier, being able to pick out any project and know that all the material, threads and chart I need are all there is just amazing. Not only is it making my stitching go much faster as I'm not spending ages faffing about looking for thread or the chart but I'm also not getting distracted by other charts I want to do or by magazine articles etc. I think it's something I will be doing again probably throughout the year.
Well that's it for today
Happy Stitching!!!
After finishing Lizzie Kate's 'Tea Lover' (from the tea crazy chartpack), I decided to take a break from stitching Christmas presents and work on one of the projects I started earlier this year. I chose the Bentley Bear kit that came free with CSC 138. I There wasn't a lot left to do so I finished the main stitching yesterday and the backstitch this morning. I had already bought the frame and the mount came with the kit so it was very easy to frame up too.
This afternoon I started stitching another Christmas present. Lizzie Kate's 'Little Cups Of Friendship' (also from the tea crazy chartpack) and have almost finished it. Just one teacup and a couple of french knots left to go.
I have to say that taking the time out to kit up each present before doing any stitching has definitely made my Christmas stitching so much easier, being able to pick out any project and know that all the material, threads and chart I need are all there is just amazing. Not only is it making my stitching go much faster as I'm not spending ages faffing about looking for thread or the chart but I'm also not getting distracted by other charts I want to do or by magazine articles etc. I think it's something I will be doing again probably throughout the year.
Well that's it for today
Happy Stitching!!!
Tuesday, 16 November 2010
Another Present Finished
that's 4 so far, only 3 more to go plus a few ornaments etc. Sadly I can't show any of these finishes off until after Christmas as many of the recipient's have access to my blog. Only 6 weeks to go!! =D
Saturday, 13 November 2010
I have a new page!!
I was begining to lose track of the projects I have to do this year so now I have a shiny new page containing my stitching list, feel free to go check it out!
Monday, 8 November 2010
Note for Bev
My sew&so order took just under a week to come in so if it's been a while it might be worth giving them a call, number should be on the email they sent when your order was confirmed or posted.
Hope it shows up soon!
Hope it shows up soon!
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Lovely Postie Day
My order from Sewandso finally showed up!! Lots of threads to complete start my Christmas stitching!!

Stitching updates will be posted on Saturday/Sunday :D
Enjoy the rest of your week!!
Monday, 1 November 2010
Happy November!!
This morning I started my christmas stitching! Hopefully if I stick to the plan I have come up with I will get everything stitched and framed before christmas! I do have a few things to stitch up for exchanges that need posting by December 1st so those will the the first things I stitch.
Halloween fairy is so nearly complete. If I hadn't been very hungover yesterday after Saturday night's Halloween party she would have been finished... oh well, sooner I get going with the christmas stuff the sooner I can get back to stitching her!
Halloween fairy is so nearly complete. If I hadn't been very hungover yesterday after Saturday night's Halloween party she would have been finished... oh well, sooner I get going with the christmas stuff the sooner I can get back to stitching her!
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