Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Final TUSAL update of 2009 :-)
Well it's been such fun that I've already signed up for next years Totally Useless Stitch A Long but before that gets underway, here is my finally TUSAL for 2009:
Happy Stitching everyone! 9 Days till Xmas!
Saturday, 12 December 2009
T'was the night before poem:)
T'was the night before Christmas and Santa's a wreck,
Confused by a world so politically correct.
His workers no longer would answer to "Elves",
"Vertically challenged" they were calling themselves.
And labour conditions at the North Pole
Were alleged by the Union to stifle the soul.
Four Reindeer had vanished, without much propriety,
Released to the wilds by the Humane Society.
And equal employment had made it quite clear,
That Santa had better not just use Reindeer.
So Dancer & Donner, Comet & Cupid,
Were replaced with 4 pigs, and you know that looked stupid!
The runners had been removed from his sleigh;
The ruts were thought dangerous by the H & SA.
Second-hand pike smoke left his workers quite frightened.
His fur-trimmed red suit was called "Unenlightened"
And to show you the strangeness of life's ebbs & flows,
Rudolf was suing for use of his nose
He'd claimed on Watchdog in front of the Nation
Millions of pounds due in compensation.
Half of the Reindeer were gone; and his wife,
Suddenly said she'd enough of this life,
After joining a help group, she left in a whiz,
Demanding in future her title was Ms.
And as for gifts, well he'd ne'er a notion,
That careless choosing could cause such a commotion.
Nothing of Leather & nothing of Fur,
Which meant nothing for him. And nothing for her.
Nothing that might be construed to pollute,
Nothing to aim, nothing to shoot.
Nothing that clamoured or made lots of noise,
Nowt just for girls, or just for boys,
Nothing that claimed to be gender-specific.
Nothing that’s warlike or non-pacific
No Candy or Sweets...they were bad for the tooth,
Nothing that seemed to embellish the truth.
And fairy tales, while not yet forbidden,
Were like Barbie & Ken, better off hidden.
For those who think Santa should fulfil a dream,
The best type of gift is one that is green.
No baseball or could get hurt;
Playing such sports exposed kids to dirt.
Dolls are thought to be sexist, and should be passé,
And Nintendo will rot your entire brain away.
So Santa just stood there, dishevelled, perplexed;
Trying to figure out what to do next.
He tried to be merry; he tried to be gay;
But you've got to be careful with that word today.
His sack was quite empty, limp to the ground;
Nothing acceptable there to be found.
Something special for all, a gift that he might,
Give to the world without anger from the left or the right.
A gift to satisfy, without indecision,
Each group of people, every religion;
Every ethnicity, every colour & hue,
Everyone, everywhere...even you.
So here is a gift, its price beyond worth...
"May you and your loved ones enjoy peace on Earth"
Merry Christmas!! 13 Days To Go!
Thursday, 10 December 2009
Well I just about made it in time, finished stitching this today and Mum is going to take it into her workplace for the window display on Friday. Great thing is that I get it back again after xmas so I can frame it and display it every year!
Moving on to try and finish Somebunny to Love 'April Showers'. It seems appropriate given the weather we've been having in Oxford lately!

Sunday, 6 December 2009
finally time for a decent update
A couple of finishes to show and a wip this week, really am on a stitching roll!
Finished Humphrey's Corner the day after Robert Pattinson, still don't quite know what I'm going to do with either of them but they will probably end up inside my scrapbook!
Secondly I finished off the Bentley Bear freebie kit from Cross Stitch Crazy magazine, I forget which issue but it's a recent one!
Bentley was the only piece of Christmas stitching I planned to do this year but then my mum asked me to finish a project she was doing for the window display at her work place, I agreed to but found myself having to start again as she had made quite a few mistakes which her work place won't accept. So now I have until Tuesday to do this design.

Thursday, 26 November 2009
On a roll!
After finishingRobert Pattinson yesterday I finishd off Humphrey's Corner 'Trains' today :-) Now back onto Bentley Bear, should have him finished over the weekend as it's a very simple design.
Wednesday, 25 November 2009
New Moon, TUSAL & a finish!!
Well there's a bit of a Twilight theme this week :)
Went and saw New Moon last Friday and for anyone who is planning on going to see this film I definately recomend it!! It's amazing!! In fact I enjoyed the film so much I am going again on Friday with my best friend :-)
My TUSAL update is over 10 days late now and with 2 very good reasons :-) Reason 1 is that i forgot all about it and Reason 2 is that I was desperatly trying to finish off my latest project which I finally managed to do tonight :-)
On that note we're back to the Twilight theme. I had been working on the christmas Bentley Bear kit that came free with cross stitch crazy about a month ago when I realised I was running out of the threads that came with the free kit. Spent about half an hour matching the freebie threads to the threads I'd bought to stitch the papercrafting Bentley bear from a different issue of WOCS. By this time it was around 1AM and I was too tired to continue stitching.
The next day I picked up the lastest issue of Cross Stitcher magazine and was very excited when I saw the stitch a star chart was Robert Pattinson (Edward in Twilight) and was even more excited to discover that the threads needed to stitch Robert where the same onces I'd put to one side to stitch Bentley the night before!! Needless to say poor Bentley has been abandoned until now as I tried in vain to stitch Robert before the premiere of New Moon in the cinema. Obviously I didn't quite succeed but I can now say that Bentley will be finished by the weekend! I can also say that I am the sad loser who knows all the words to all the songs on the movie soundtrack as that is all I've listened to for the last two weeks!
Ok so new threads in my TUSAL jar, masses of browns, creams & ginger tones from Rob Pattinson, a few reds from Bentley Bear along with some more of the browns & creams, a few thread number paper things as I also managed to sort out some of my skeins onto bobbins but still have many many more to do lol. Will aim to be on time for the update next month as it'll be the last one of 2009!

Saturday, 31 October 2009
I think my curtains say it all...

Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Finallu have time for a decent update :-)
Ok, well firstly this month I hve learnt not to make promises as I invariably manage to break them.
Stitching this month has been slow, I have managed to do some work on HC 'Trains' only a little bit of stitching left then it's onto the backstitch.
I have also been working on a freebie design from the passione ricamo website, but I am making very slow progress unfortunately. There is no way it will be finished in time for halloween but I shall persevere regardless, I love halloween anyway and will probably have this out at all times when it's finished :-)
Which brings me onto my TUSAL update for October, yes it's late I know but I really have been very busy :-(
New threads this month from my PR freebie, including some very cool Glow-in-the-dark ones & also some ORTS from Humphrey.

That's all from me this time, see you Sunday for Halloween photos!
Happy Stitching!
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
Monday, 19 October 2009
Is it really the 19th already?
Wow time flies when your not having fun lol. Been stuck at ork for most of this month so have had very little time to stitch. I realise I haven't posted pics of anything I'm working on or my TUSAL update for the month, it's coming I promise!! I haven't had time and I don't really have the time right now. By Wednesday hopefully everything will have calmed down as I will be taking my driving test!! God I hope I pass, I really can't afford to keep learning!
Anyway ~I promise a better update on Wednesday if all goes well or on sunday if it goes horribly wrong.
Have a nice week everyone!
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Time for an update
only a quick one today mind. Will have a decent update on saturday complete with pics I hope.
After finishing Newton I had every intention of finishing the piglet quarter of water games by today but the universe seems to have had other ideas, so instead I've been doped up to the eyeballs with cold pills while trying to remain at work as I can't afford the time off, sadly this has meant that every free minue has been spent sleeping instead of stitching so I've basically done around 20/30 stitches this week.
Started the bently bear cover kit tonight as I want to give it to a friend for xmas but hope to do move over the weekend as I have it off work for once!!
Happy Stitching!!
Monday, 21 September 2009
Sunday, 20 September 2009
Finally Finished!!
Well it's taken just over 9 months to the day but I finally finish my Newton's Law from cross stitch crazy #122!! I would love to post a picture up but it seems my mum's taken the camera up to Coventry to visit my brother. Will post updated pics tonight when she gets back. I'm so happy!!! There were 57 french knots in total on the design so I've really managed to perfect them although my fingers are now very sore thank to the sharp needle!
Sandown Park Stitchy Show...
was not as good as it has been previously, although I do enjoy papercrafting & jewellery making etc my main hobby is cross stitch so I was rather disappointed to see far fewer cross stitch stalls than usual. However that aside, I had a very nice day out with my mum. Bought some lovely new stash including:

Some lovely new aida's from the sew-it-all stand & some more DMC threads to finish a birth sampler for my boss & my nan's xmas present. Also bought myself some kits I have been after for a while as they had been reduced.
The Margaret Sherry 'Stitch in time' kit was a bit of an indulgence as was the 'Tiddles' kit but the Humphrey's Corner kits were only £2.99 each and I love the one called 'Baby Talk' mostly because Baby Jack is holding the phone upside down!

Also decided to indulge my jewellery making urge and bought some lush new beads
and some really nice elephant charms for £1.
Most people know I love the Margaret Sherry cross stitch designs but I also love MS rubber stamps, stickers, etc so I was very happy to find these stitcker sheets for £1.50 each! I just love the little mice & hedgehogs!

Also bought some ATC card blanks & clear detail stamps as I plan on making ATC's next year but my favourite bargain of the day was completely free! Faye Whitaker was there signing copies of the all our yesterdays book by david & charles which I already own. I explained this to her as I love her work as does my mum so she signed one of her prints for me for nothing!!

Needless to say I was speechless & had to give her a hug! She was so friendly! I framed it as soon as I got home and as soon as the craft room is sorted out it will have pride of place on the wall! Faye was also unveiling the new All Our Yesterdays designs and I have to say I love them!!
All in all, we had a nice time and got to meet one of my favourite designers!!
Hope everybody had a nice weekend & Happy Stitching!
Friday, 18 September 2009
Ok firstly, Newton is really starting to take shape, I just have to finish the backstitching across the flowers on his lap & the last of the French Knots then he's done!! I'm thinking of turning him into a bellpull or something rather than framing him as it's quite a small design, just incredibly fiddly!!
Should have him finished before the weekend is over, didn't realise just how hard the flowers are to do!

Second update is the TUSAL update, can't believe it's the new moon already!
Lastest editions to my jar are the final threads from Archie Bear, Somebunny, Newton & some threads from my new start; Humphrey's Corner 'Trains'. Love this design & love how fast it stitches up! Next month should show more threads from water games among other things but only time will tell!

Think thats everything for today, will update again tomorrow or sunday with pics from the show at sandown park tomorrow!!
Happy Stitching!
Thursday, 17 September 2009
Plan is WORKING!!! (so far!)

Had a good start to the week, didn't do any stitching Monday as I had a Lord Of The Rings marathon round my friends house instead..I forgot how good those films are!! Made good progress with Humphrey, at the rate he's stitching up he'll be finished before the first week of October lol

However as much as I would love to continue stitching now, I am very tired so I think it's time for bed!
Happy Stitching everyone, see you all on Friday for the TUSAL update!!
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Another Finish...& a new start....
This week I came up with a plan for my stitching for the rest of the year that will allow me to finish off my current projects but will also give me time to start new ones! So far it's working!
Have started on Humphrey's 'trains' and will post an update later in the week with photo's, I plan to stitch some more of Humphrey on Monday/Tuesday then finish off Newton before the stitching show at Sandown Park on Saturday! Then Sunday will be spent progressing on Water Games!
My new plan is this; for every current project I finish, I can start something new. Here is whatI have planned for rest of September & October:
Finish Archie (done)
Finish somebunny freebie (done)
Finish Newton Law SAL
Finish the piglet section of water games
Start Humphrey's Corner 'Trains'
Finish Mirabilia 'Halloween Fairy'
Finish Humphrey's Corner 'Trains'
Finish laundry basket & weary fairy on 'housework fairies'
Start Tigger quarter on 'water games'
Start Solo 'contented xmas'
On that note, I've finished my somebunny freebie (finally!!) However because I stitched it on a lower count aida it doesn't quite fit in the mount provided lol, I think I'm going to either have to trim the appature so it does fit or enlarge the mount on the computer...either way I love it!

Wednesday, 9 September 2009
been looking for my needle case all day and I haven't found it...have tidyied up all my stash and boy do I have more than I realised!! Oh well, off to do some stitching, hopefully my case will materialise eventually...
Tuesday, 8 September 2009
Monday, 7 September 2009
hmm...I've lost my needles...
I had all my spare needles in a little needle case so I wouldn't lose them only now I've gone and misplaced the case itself...haven't used it in a while as I've been trying to finish off various projects but went to put my needle from Archie away as he's done and I have no idea where I put the case.... will have to have a proper sort out on Wednesday I think (day off!) and try to find it again, put my needle in some spare fabric for now
Anyway...on to other news, as I've already mentioned I finished my Archie Bear finally!! Ilove stitching this design, although I did noticed I've made a mistake, I'd of corrected it but I noticed it as I was backstitching it!
Back on to Somebunny freebie & Halloween Fairy now!

Sunday, 6 September 2009
Boot Sale Bargains!!
Made my weekly trip to the boot sale again today and really had a fantastic day
wasn't expecting to find much but boy was I wrong! Found a couple of games for my sega megadrive & playstation (I love retro consoles!) & a couple of books I've been looking for but my best buy for the day was probably 136 cross stitch magazines for £10!! Many of which still had the cover kits & freebie charts with them! On the same stall I also found two Joan Elliot design works kits for £6.50 brand new, so I'm a very happy bunny indeed!
Been working on Archie bear this afternoon and I've very nearly finished it! Will post pics as soon as it's done!

Monday, 31 August 2009
Water Games Update
Well I had today of work as it's a bank holiday as my parents went to go see how my brother is settling in up at uni so I had the whole house to myself for a change. I did some stitching while watching a marathon of Extreme Makeover:home edition on the telly. Six hours of stitching and this is my progress:

I'm really proud of how much I managed to stitch today, this is the most I've stitched on this piece in one sitting and although I probably won't finish it in time for my mum's birthday I'm really hoping to finish it in time for Christmas.
Happy Stitching!!
Friday, 28 August 2009
flexing my stitching fingers...
I think it's about time I got round to that 'real' update I promised.
Right first things first; my TUSAL update, I'm actually quite proud of the amount of thread in my coffee jar! 

Happy Stitching Everyone!
Sunday, 23 August 2009
Well it's TUSAL update time, my jar is almost half full now!! (picture will be uploaded as soon as the camera is charged!)
Archie & somebunny are still unfinished but work has progressed slowly on Water Games, onto the water now!!!!
will do proper update when camera is charged :)
Tuesday, 11 August 2009
Busy, Busy...
Had a busy couple of days, missed my update again but I have an excuse!! My younger brother moved up to Coventry on Saturday to go to uni so I've been trying to help him get his stuff packed up ( 2 car loads so far and still more to go up!) ended up being no room in the car for me or my mum so we stayed home while Dad took him up. Managed to go to Hobbycraft & get the rest of the threads I needed to finish off Archie & MS's Fairy kit
Went to the boot sale on Sunday again & found a daylight company portable craft light (the old style with the cable not the rechargable battery style) for £4!! Snapped that up pretty quickly, especially as the bulb on my clip on lamp has blown again (3 times in 6 months, I'm begining to think it might be faulty lol)
Went up to Coventry today with the second carload of stuff for my brother and wandered round Coventry itself. Found a stitchy shop called Busy Hands so naturally I went in for a nosey...came out with 2 new kits; A Humphrey's Corner one called 'Trains' which is of Humphrey on his belly playing with a toy train & all the carriges have snails on top!! It's sooo sweet! I also got a Born To Shop kit which says 'Save the Earth...It's the only planet with Chocolate'. I love the born to shop stuff and had seen some of the kits at the stitch & craft show but I couldn't afford them so when I saw this one reduced I had to buy it! Lol I'm a sucker for a bargain! Problem is now I want to stitch one but I've promised myself won't start anything new until I finish at least one of the bigger projects I'm working on & all of the small ones I've started! Guess I better get cracking so photos will be up later in the week.

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