The new year is going well, I have made a start on the Birth Sampler for my boss's new baby, I plan to stitch on this during the week as the colours are quite blocky and it stitches up pretty quickly so far, only problem is there are loads of fractional stitches...

My weekend stitching is going to be devoted to Water Games until it's completed. It is my oldest UFO and the one I am longing to see finished because it's also the biggest stitch I have done to date. In order to help me finish off my UFO's I have joined a UFO SAL blog called 'I've started so I'll finish...eventually' and it's really working so far!
I've only been stitching on Water Games for this weekend and I already have done quite a bit more than I usually manage to get done in one sitting. 
See you all on the 15th for the first TUSAL update of 2010!!! I can hardly wait!!! Happy Stitching to you all!! Fiona xx
Wow Fiona you have made excelent progress on this one. Keep up the good work.
I hate fractional stitches. Your progress looks good.
Fiona, I love the Winnie the Pooh piece!! Great progress and it's just so adorable!
love the progress on both pieces :) keep it up you will get the water games finished soon!
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