Took some time out from stitching today as it was too hot to concentrate on the chart symbols & I've been having some upper back pain for the last few days so decided to visit the doctor just to make sure it's nothing major as my mum suffered with a severe back problem last year, luckily it's nothing serious just a muscle pull apparently (still hurts though

Popped into the stitchy shop on the way home as my mum wanted to pick up some more chains for the necklaces she's been making & some extra beads & stuff. So we were looking at all the charms & beads in the bargain bin, when mum remembered that she needed some findings as well, which is when i spotted the cutest little giraffe charms on sale for 50p each (40p each with my mum's discount

So cute!!I just had to buy them (there were only 2 left) so decided to make some jewellery this afternoon.

This is the necklace I made using one of the giraffe charms some mid sized amber beads, silver spacers & blue & gold sead beads.
This is a watch I made out of a bracelet I bought from work, I loved the beads in the original bracelet but not the way they had been put together so i decided to make a nice summery watch, problem is that the watch face is quite heavy so I've had to re-string the beads a few times to get the 'strap' the right size. The bracelet is made using some green beads I picked up some the stitchy shop last wednesday, silve spacers & mid-sized pink beads, love the colours together and goes well with most of my summer wardrobe

These are the rest of the pieces I have made in the last year or so, I don't make jewellery very often as I get frustrated with it easily but sometime I enjoy it. The three bracelets at the top are just beads on string but I also made matching earrings to go with the blue & green bracelet (just frogot to include them in the picture. The two bracelets below them are made from memory wire, bugle & sead beads, I taught a few of the girls in my youth group how to make these 2 years ago. The necklace is one of my favourite pieces, it's made using jade green & clear swarofski crystals & bronze dragonfly shaped spacers, I've also made two more of these necklaces using pink and lilac swarofski crystals & silver dragonflies for two of the girls at work as maternity presents.
Hope you like my jewellery, happy crafting everyone :)
P.S on a stitchy note I also picked up a bothy threads Mr Bump kit (£2.99) & the 2009 DMC catalogue for free! and my ebay haul has begun to arrive lol will post a pick when its all here