I think it's about time I got round to that 'real' update I promised.
Right first things first; my TUSAL update, I'm actually quite proud of the amount of thread in my coffee jar!

Since last time there are so many new threads, my favourite being a rather nice bright blue/turquoise colour that is now about a third of the way down, it's from a WTP kit my mum started before she realised it was full of fractional stitches which she can't get her head round and so I ended up doing it, then found out she'd made a bunch of mistakes so had to frog the whole thing and start again.
Also in my jar are ORT's from Water Games, Archie & Somebunny plus a few of the thread labels from my recent workbox tidyup. Have realised that I need a bigger workbox that is preferably not hexagonal as nothing fits inside properly.
Also made some progress on Water Games although not as much as I'd have liked due to being back at work (groan)

but as I have bank holiday Monday off I plan to spend the day stitching & will hopefully have much more to show for it. (It'll be christmas by the time I finish at the current rate of progress) Also hope to finish the backstitch on Archie by this time next week.
Just one other thing I have completly forgotten to mention before and it's quite old news now, Cross Stitch Crazy printed my letter!!

Wasn't expecting it at all and literally began jumping up and down on the spot when I realised it was me!
Also finally managed to get hold of my friend Mary to give her the birth sampler I did for her daughter Karmay and she was so pleased with it, her sister-in-law loved it so much she's asked me to do one for her daughter Caitlin who's now 3 and my boss at work has asked me to do one for his new baby. Had great fun picking out the designs for both of them, now all I have to do is wait till the show at Sandown in September to buy the threads I need to stitch them, and I'm getting paid to do them as well!!
Think that really is everything for this week, except that I found 48 very old issues of cross stitcher, cross stitch collection, needlecraft & mary hickmott's new stitches (issues 1,2 etc) most of them complete with the free kits for £12.50 in a local charity shop! Has made for some plesant reading at least! Ok now that really is everything, will update again after the weekend!
Happy Stitching Everyone!