Tuesday 18 February 2014

Stitch from Stash2014- Splurge weekend report

So this weekend gone was Nashville Market in the States and as a birthday treat Mel at Epic Stitching said we could have a splurge spending weekend with a $100 limit (anything over would be counted as stash spending for the month)

I am happy to report that as I had absolutely no money to splurge I spent £0 - that's right nada, zip, zilch. 

To be honest although I have charts in my wishlist from 123stitch that I would LOVE to own right now I simply don't have the funds to buy them so I'm actually finding it pretty easy to not spend on stash. Once payday rolls round it may be another matter though!

xX Fiona Xx


Lesleyanne said...

Well done on your no spend weekend.

Michelle said...

Well done Fiona proud of you - how will you get on at the Harrogate show x

Bev said...

Oooooh Fiona you're being very very good!!! xx