This week I came up with a plan for my stitching for the rest of the year that will allow me to finish off my current projects but will also give me time to start new ones! So far it's working!
My new plan is this; for every current project I finish, I can start something new. Here is whatI have planned for rest of September & October:
Finish Archie (done)
Finish somebunny freebie (done)
Finish Newton Law SAL
Finish the piglet section of water games
Start Humphrey's Corner 'Trains'
Finish Mirabilia 'Halloween Fairy'
Finish Humphrey's Corner 'Trains'
Finish laundry basket & weary fairy on 'housework fairies'
Start Tigger quarter on 'water games'
Start Solo 'contented xmas'
On that note, I've finished my somebunny freebie (finally!!) However because I stitched it on a lower count aida it doesn't quite fit in the mount provided lol, I think I'm going to either have to trim the appature so it does fit or enlarge the mount on the computer...either way I love it!

Have started on Humphrey's 'trains' and will post an update later in the week with photo's, I plan to stitch some more of Humphrey on Monday/Tuesday then finish off Newton before the stitching show at Sandown Park on Saturday! Then Sunday will be spent progressing on Water Games!