I know I promised photos ages ago now but I have been a busy bunny!
I have been working hard on STL April Showers and here is how far I have progressed;

Didn't quite make the end of May deadline I set but as it's one for me it doesn't really matter, I'm enjoying stitching him up and thats the main thing!
Have started stitching the summer Bentley freebie kit from the latest crazy mag but haven't progressed far enough to merit a photo, started it as I wanted a break from the yellows on somebunny but decided to start doing the backstitch instead so haven't really got very far!
I've had a few more comissioned pieces of work requested! Firstly, my boss's wife loved the sampler I stitched for their new baby girl so much so that he's asked me to stitch another one for his little boy! The second piece I have been asked to do is from another friend at work who has asked me to stitch a memorial picture for her best friend to commemorate the passing of her little girl, in July it will be a year since she passed away.
The brief I have been given from my boss's son is: Called Thomas James, loves trains and the colour red. I have decided (and my boss has agreed) to stitch a picture of James from Thomas the tank engine with his name and DOB above it. Have spent the last 2 evenings drawing up a pattern on KG Stitch which is a free downloadable pattern maker for the pc & very easy to use, so all I need to do is print the picture off and make sure my boss definetely likes it before I start stitching!
Brief for memorial sampler is: Picture of a poppy, little girls name (poppy) and her DOB. So I have chosen to use the cover kit from WOXS #150, the diary of an edwardian lady cover kit minus the daisies so I have room to stitch the required details, this will then be mounted into the card supplied and then framed. Not due until July but shouldn't take more than a week or so to stitch so probably best to get it finished off early.
Last but not least tonight, TUSAL update for April (sorry I know the photo is late, busy!)
More yellows from somebunny and a few blue/brown threads from Bentley!!
See you again soon! x