Sunday, 25 March 2012

Halloween Rules Day 3

Ok so seeing as I've missed days 1 & 2, this is going to take some explaining. My original goal for this year was to stitch Halloween Rules by December 31st. Given that there are 12 rules in total plus the border this meant I could stitch a rule a month and fit the border in when possible (namely Janary and then stitch 2 rules in Feb), easy peasy right??

WRONG!! I kinda procrastinated with it a whole lot and actually only started it this month; then I procrastinated some 3 days ago on the 21st I decided to set myself I challenge. I've given myself 10 days to get myself up to date with this project (if I don't do it then it's not the end of the world, I just felt like a challenge!) This means I have to get the rest of the border and 3 rules completed by March 31st.

Day one was off to a cracking start, this is how it looked at my last update  and this is how it looked when I stopped stitching on Day 1.

I estimated that if I stitched every night I'd finish a section in 2 nights so by that reckoning I should be halfway through the first rule at the minute...well I'm not, I haven't picked up the needle in 2 days!! Luckily tomorrow is set to be sunny and as it's my day off so I'll be playing catch-up 2.0 and my aim is to finish the rest of the header (2 grave stones with R & U on them and a moon) and the 1st rule 'Wear a Costume'.

If I can do that I'll be back on track! Much as I love Pokemon right now it'll just have to wait!!

xX Fiona Xx


Michelle said...

Its looking good Fiona z

Lesleyanne said...

It looks great Fiona.